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One Health Day 2024

Walk & Wag for One Health 5K, 3K Fun Run, and One Health Fair
October 26, 2024-  Sulphur, LA

LOHA is excited to announce the 5th annual Walk & Wag for One Health 5K, 3k Fun Run, and Educational Event. The event will be held at The Grove at Heritage Square in Sulphur on October 26, 2024 in celebration of the International One Health Day.  The 5K will be a timed competitive race, and the 3k Fun Run will be open to both people and their dogs to celebrate One Health Day! This event is an effort to highlight the human/animal bond and to raise awareness of One Health- the interrelationship of Human, Animal, and Environmental Health. In addition to the 5K race and 3K fun run, the day will be filled with a variety of ways to have fun and learn about One Health while celebrating the human and animal bond.

Participants will learn about One Health and One Health topics at the Kids Zone, Dog Zone, and Educational Zone.

-The Kids Zone will include an inflatable activity, creating gratitude letters for veterans, animal face painting, pansy planting (soil health and plant health), carnival games, and a variety of other fun activities.

-The Dog Zone will include a Smooch Your Pooch photo booth for fun pictures with your dog, best dog trick contest, and best dog costume contest. Calcasieu Parish Animal Control will be present to assist with dogs. They will also have dogs available for adoption that day as well. 

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-The Educational Zone will cover a variety of One Health topics presented by local medical professionals, veterinarians, master naturalists, and other public health advocates. Along with having a great time, some of the projected topics to be covered at the event are:

  • Common animal infections that can also infect humans

  • Importance of flea and tick prevention for animals to deter the spread of disease

  • Effective tick removal for humans and animals

  • Prevention of communicable diseases (Flu Vaccinations available)  

  • Ways to prevent the spread of mosquito borne disease (presented by the Calcasieu Parish Mosquito Control)

  • information about the importance of vaccines (presented by the LDH)

  • Nature and the benefits to our well being

  • Reintroduction of the Whooping Crane in Louisiana

  • LifeShare Blood Donation to help supply our local blood banks

  • Other One Health topics


Quizzes from the educational zone will be submitted for door prize drawings. A silent auction will be held, and lunch will also be available for purchase.

We encourage you to take pictures that day and tag them using #OneHealthDay, #WalkandWagForOneHealth, and  #LOHA hashtags to help us raise awareness and show your support!

Proceeds from this event will go toward supporting The Bartonella Project at NCSU Intracellular Pathogen lab under the direction of Dr Ed Breitschwerdt, DVM.

Celebrate One Health Day! Race the 5K yourself or you and your dog can walk the 3K Fun Run together! Afterward, stick around for the Health Fair, gumbo, fun activities, & silent auction!
Oct 26, 2024, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM CDT
The Grove,
1211 Ruth St, Sulphur, LA 70663, USA

Show Your Support!!

Dog Rules- Know Before You Go!

Walk & Wag is open to humans running/walking with or without dogs. To keep everyone (and every dog) safe, special rules apply for those running with a dog.

-We strongly suggest that both the owner and dog train for this event, if you are planning on running. Runners should start conditioning themselves and their dog over the four-week period leading up to the race.


-You should inspect your dog’s pads for signs of injury (cuts and wear) and be careful in hot weather (carry water, keep runs short, watch your dog for signs of stress). We recommend jogging on trails or other locations where people run with their dogs, to acclimate your dog to running in a pack with distractions.

-Limit one (1) dog per person. 

-Dogs must be at least 6 months old. 

-Only bring dogs that are well-behaved around other dogs and people. 

-Proof of rabies vaccination required. (Current rabies tag on collar is sufficient)

-Female dogs that are in any stage of heat are prohibited. 

-No dragging of dogs. 

-Dogs must be on leashes at all times (maximum 6 feet). Chest harness is preferred 

-No retractable leashes, which may be hazardous in a crowd. Keep a short leash at the start to avoid entanglement. 

-You must remove any of your dog’s waste. Plastic bags will be provided. 

-The race director reserves the right to refuse entry or remove a dog from the course if it might prove hazardous to others.

What is Bartonella?

Bartonella is a bacteria, but few people know about it. New methods for diagnosing it are showing it’s more common than previously thought. Animals are the primary reservoir and the bacteria is transmitted by an animal bite or scratch, fleas, ticks, lice, mites, biting flies, and even spiders. Because it is systemic, Bartonellosis can attack a variety of organs and tissues, including the blood, heart, liver, spleen, joints, and central nervous system. It has also been linked to three different cancers. People who spend time with animals, especially pet owners, veterinarians are more susceptible to contracting Bartonella. About one-third of vets are actively infected by the bacteria, and two-thirds have antibodies to them, according to Galaxy Diagnostics. Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt, Chief Scientific Officer at Galaxy and professor of internal medicine at North Carolina State’s College of Veterinary Medicine says Bartonella infection is one of the most important untold medical stories. Breitschwerdt has worked with the One Health Initiative, a collective that looks at the links between environmental, human, and animal health. Though his professional and personal life has been guided by his care for animals, his most recent work is geared towards detecting and treating Bartonella infection in humans. Better tests are important because Bartonella infections often avoid detection or are misdiagnosed by physicians who aren’t familiar with the bacteria. Galaxy’s website contains case studies of patients who were wrongly diagnosed with lupus, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, asthma or other conditions before being accurately diagnosed with Bartonellosis by Galaxy’s tests. Amanda Elam, President of Galaxy says “mainstream medicine doesn’t accept that these infections could be causing chronic symptoms.” Galaxy is working to change that misperception in the medical and veterinary communities. “We’re pushing the medical education like crazy,” Elam says. “There is a whole new frontier of medicine around the role of infection in chronic disease.”

Bartonella Resources

For a more in depth look at Bartonella visit:

A good overview of Bartonellosis titled From Cat Scratch Disease to Bartonellosis provided by Galaxy Diagnostics

This is a review of the scientific literature and is a great summary of where we are in our understanding of Bartonella by Dr Monica Embers at Tulane Primate Center titled Human Bartonellosis: An Underappreciated Public Health Problem?

This is a One Health webinar featuring Dr Breitschwerdt and Dr Mozayeni called Understanding Bartonella


Dr Breitschwerdt discusses Bartonella species infections with Tracey Peake including ongoing global research efforts, the challenges with current test methods, and why accurate testing for these pathogens is crucial. 


Free CME credit about Bartonella presented by Dr Ed Breitschwerdt and provided by Invisible International

How Can I Donate Directly to Bartonella Research?

Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt is raising funds for Bartonella diagnostics research at NC State University. To learn more about The Bartonella Project, Click on the video  





Download this video to share


To direct funds to the Bartonella Project, select “Other” and designate the “Vector Borne Diseases Research Fund.” Administrative fee is minimal, so funding goes directly to research. Enhanced diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bartonellosis in animals and humans in the focus.

Donate here:


Louisiana One Health In Action is a community of advocates who want to foster the One Health movement by raising public awareness of One Health issues and providing opportunities to partner human, animal, and environmental health on a grass roots level. 

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© 2024 by Louisiana One Health in Action, 501c3

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